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Hi Guys,
I'm the past owner of CO 26 #226, I recivied a inquiry from a new owner on the spreaders. As our boat is gone and still sorely missed, I can't measure the spreaders. Does anyone here have or willing to measure the dimentions of the spreader tubes and the end castings? If so He can be contacted at ( I assured Him this Groop would come through, don't let me down!
Stan Hullett
CO 26 #226
Hanky Panky
Adrain, I have some pics. of interiour and decks and traveler, I can't remember How to post them, Help?
Adrian, I'll look but don't think I have any pictures of the traveler. If I can describe it, the supports are made of 1/4" by 2" stainless strap, they are flat on the outer poop deck, then bent upward and inward just over the tiller and finished with another bend back to horizontal, thru bolted with backing plates of the same material.
To explain selling, when we bought Her we had plans of coastal cruising, so we bought her and fixe her up and have totaly enjoyed sailing her for the past 3 years. I didn't think she would stand a chance with the local lightweight boats. What a pleasant suprize, she will sail her PHRF number quite well as I have only raced for the past 3 years I'm sure no expert! Now we have decided that it makes much more since to bareboat for cruising. We are both on the large size and sure don't utilize her bluewater atributes. A larger cabin and cockpit would sure be nice for our use, 3 in the cockpit gets kinda close and 4 or more you better be good friends!
I hope I can find a new home with someone that can really use her traits. I also want to thank SMH for all His help with this project, the dude's a peach! Also has anyone heard from Steve Stewart, He helped me copy his trailer. I will still check in now and then, Cheers Guys!
Stan & Sal
We have a '78 in the denver area, you can see her at the small boat crusing site, look for (Maybe II blister repair) This boat is in very good condition, bottom repaired with all epoxy West System products, it is now a forever bottom with VC 17 bottom paint. Fleet Champ last 3 years, beer can races. 9.9 johnson, all new cushions in cabin and cockpit, WITH NEW TRAILER, 5 sails all in good shape, depth, all lines aft., needs nothing! Were looking for standing head room.
Stan Hullett
Hi All, I am looking for the PHRF rating for the CO-26. I'm currently racing with a 264 rating that our club assigned, but starting to get some rumors of other rating numbers. I know the numbers vary around the country, what and where are you using, or have seen used in your area.
CO-26 #228
Hanky Panky
Littleton CO
Posts found: 6