Topic: Dzus screws for engine cover
Does anybody know where I can source the Dzus quarter-turn screws that are used to hold down the engine cover? I gather that Dzus has been bought by an American company and it cancelled production of the size I need.
As far as I can make out, the head is inscribed with
A 15-90 but the writing is hard to decipher.
(NB: I later discovered it is really AJ5-90)
The shaft is one inch long.
The top section is 9/16 inch long by 1/4 inch diameter.
The bottom section is 7/16 inch long with a diameter of 5/16 inch.
The usual Dzus quarter-turn mechanism is at the bottom.
The head is wide with a slight dome. I'm not fussy about the head.
They were used in a 1975 Contessa 26.
thank you