Topic: Contessa manual
I could really use a boat manual...all the info on how the boat works, how to care for, etc....anyone know of such a thing? Even a copy??
Thanks alot, Kristin
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The Contessa Corner → Wanted → Contessa manual
I could really use a boat manual...all the info on how the boat works, how to care for, etc....anyone know of such a thing? Even a copy??
Thanks alot, Kristin
I'll look through the stack of paperwork our boat came with, but I don't think I have such a manual.
I don't think there is an instruction manual for a old boat. Maybe if you buy a brand new production boat it might come with an instruction manual but with an old boat you have to learn through experience and other peoples experience.
Kristin,much of what you might want to know has been written about and crosses over from boat to boat,you just need to interpet the informationfor your situation.A little knowledge and a good deal of common sense will take you a long way.Some good authors that come to mind :Allan H. Vaites,Richard Henderson,Dave Gerr,Don Casey,Bruce Bingham and many others.There is literally a sea of good writing out there.I can't think of one book however that covers all the basics .Vaites book is a repair manual for fiberglass and will tell you more than you ever wanted to know even if you have no intention of tickling your boat with a grinder.Richard Henderson covers a fair bit of the big picture in a few books.Good old boat magazine is a good sorce for more general information on Contessa era boats.Hppe thats of some help.Don't worry it ain't rocket science.
Thanks guys...! K
The Contessa Corner → Wanted → Contessa manual
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