Topic: FOR SALE: PRACTICAL SAILOR sailing magazine, 1984-2006 issues
Here's the best sailing magazine I know of for those who do their own boat work on gently aging boats. Answers to most sailboat problems in these 200+ issues of articles by experts on repairing/restoring sailboats and equipment. It's been my faithful guide for my work on my Contessa all these years. Topics include sails, standing rigging, anchors, navigation equipment, electronics, galley stoves, refrigeration, auto and self-steering as well as detailed instruction on repair and installation of same. Other topics are engine problems, head problems, installing new and rebuilt engines, rebuilding water and fuel tanks and heads; repairing and repainting gel goat/hulls, deck surfaces, inspecting/installing new standing rigging and masts, etc. Many scientific-like tests of sailboat equipment contrasting various manufacturers offerings. Also there are many reviews of used boats, classics and otherwise.
$40 (U.S.) plus shipping (15 lbs). Donald E. Chambers, 785-843-5805 (call and I'll give you an email address).