Topic: Rigging A Monitor Windvane

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know the best way to rig the tiller control lines for the monitor?

On the Scanmar website, they show a boat with cheek blocks mounted on the aft corners of the cockpit combing.  There other photos do not show the details of the control line rigging well enough to be helpful.
This arrangement seems like it might cause line chafe as control line angles vary.

I'm thinking that swivel blocks, attached with eye straps in the same location (on the top of the cockpit combing at the aft corners) might be best........but not sure.

If anyone out there already has there monitor rigged in a way that is working great and could post a photo, that would be a big help.


Re: Rigging A Monitor Windvane

My scanmar monitor setup has cheek block on the cockpit combing. The attached picture was taken before the center chain was attached and the lines are just looped over the tiller. The cheek block are angled so they are lined up with the output pulley on the monitor. The output side of the cheek block is pointed at the tiller attachment point. In operation the tiller does not move that much off center so the angle does not change much and there is no chafe. I have 11,000nm on it and the only chafe has been at the blocks on the lower end of the monitor. I believe this was caused because I had to much tension on the lines. Whatever you do, use good low friction pulleys.

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Re: Rigging A Monitor Windvane

Here is another angle. I do not have a close up. If you need one, it will take a few days.

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Re: Rigging A Monitor Windvane

This is a big help.  Thanks much.
A close up of one of the blocks would also be a big help.

I also have a tiller pilot mounted on the starboard side. 
It looks like I might have interference with its mounting flange and the block for the monitor.
We'll see when I get a little further along in the boat assembly process.