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A forum for Contessa owners, sailors and dreamers.
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Zodiac 8' dinghy (2003)with towing harness, "Cadet FR240". Used less than 10 hrs, mint condition. Cost in 2003 $2398. selling for $1900.00.
Yamaha 2.5HP 4-stroke outboard, model F2.5. Used less than 10 hours, in mint condition. Cost in 2003 $978. selling for $750.
Willing to sell both for $2500.00
"Latvis" sail #339. Excellent condition with sparkling brightwork. Burgundy hull with matching dodger (2005), cockpit awning(2005), cockpit and interior cushions. 8HP Bukh diesel. Harken furling with 4 headsails. Examples of upgrades and additions include Cape Horn self steering system(2005), autopilot (2004), traveller(2004), AGM batteries and Xantrex smart charger(2004), 3-bladed prop, and much more. Currently in Tobermory Ontario. A greatly admired boat and a rare find at C$35, 000. For a more detailed description email Andris at:
Hi Adrian,
What size of photo/files do you prefer to have us submit to the photo gallery ? Is there an ideal or preferred size in terms of pixels (pixels x pixels) or some other constraints?
Check out the "Sanipottie" models by Sealand. I installed one of their smaller models (#964?) and its working out well. Freed up a lot of space compared to a plumbed-in system with holding tank.
Last year I replaced the whole works (drive shaft, cutlass bearing and the brass sleeve that houses the bearing) I did this because I suspected that the excessive engine vibration that i was experiencing was due to a slightly bent shaft or some other problem with shaft, bearing, sleeve or all of the above. There is no easy way. I had to remove the whole works, brass sleeve an all. It had to be done by brute force. With the prop shaft out (of course!), I took the biggest pipe wrench I could find, clamped it on to the brass sleeve and removed and discarded the whole works. Replaced it with a new sleeve and bearing and epoxied the sleeve into place. The epoxy work was done after prop shaft, bearing and sleeve were all carefully aligned of course. It will be an even bigger and tougher job if I ever have to remove that sleeve again. And yes, it solved my vibration problems. The old Buhk now runs as "smoothly" as any happy one-lunger can, which is to say that it only appears as if it is trying to throw itself overboard.
I am replacing my old VHF with a new unit. The plan is to use the old unit as a station in my place in Tobermory which has an old style TV antenna atop a 30+ foot tower. Question: Can the old TV antenna (VHF?) be used to receive marine VHF signals in the frequency range that we use?
I am also on the lookout for a dinghy that will fit (while fully inflated and ready to go) on the foredeck of a CO26. I see that the smallest Bombard (their AX1) measures 6' - 7" long by 45" wide and weighs in at 33lbs but I do not know if it will fit on the foredeck when fully inflated. They go for about $1000 new. I am unable to check the fit because right now my Contessa is in Tobermory ON and i live in Toronto. Anyone with experience with the Bombard AX1 or other make that size?
I would be more inclined to anchor the preventer to a block and loop slider mounted on the track rather than to a stanchion but given that I have no experience with ANY sort of preventer rigg, I am open to any and all suggestions!
I would like to hear from anyone with experience of installing a preventer: hardware, sheets, attachment points etc. Any other relavant comments would be much appreciated.
I would be interested to hear about the distances that a Contessa 26 might be expected to cover in a day of sailing in "fair" winds. I am aware of the many variables involved, but I would still like to hear about your experiences with distances covered.
Looks like my question regarding the "Voyager" windvane was too specific. I would be most interested to hear about ANY windvane in use on a Contessa 26. I am planning to equip my Contessa with a windvane but I have not been able to find any evaluations of a vane in use on a Contessa, aside from the Monitor used by Tania A., and testimonials provided by vendors.
I would be most interested to hear from Contessa 26 owners who have any experience with or knowledge of "Voyager" windvanes.
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