Mine (#322) was in the cockpit locker, I don't know of any with the tank in the keel. Mine had a holding tank down there.


(12 replies, posted in Repairs/Modifications/Upgrades)

Probably a Buhk 8hp, Fessalo, though I might be wrong.


(12 replies, posted in Cruising)

331 is a good boat, as I recall. One of the finer examples out there. I am sure you'l enjoy her. I cannot tell you how much I miss #322.

It's interesting. Doesn't sound like there's really any amazing deals at the boat show this year. Might be a function of the economy, but I bet it's more a function of the booth fees required at the boat show.

I am fascinated that Mason's has been bought by Fogh though. Pretty different target demographic, I would have thought. Hopefully nothing will change at either.

I'd love to know which of us is planning the Ontario 300 though. Come on, fess up!

I'll probably get down there on Saturday at some point. If I do, I'll stop by, Oliver.

And any of you who have teenage children in the 13-17 range should totally be checking out the Toronto Brigantine program. They have a booth down there. Both my sons have been in the program for a few years. One's a Chief Petty Officer, one's looking for a promotion to Petty Officer in the spring. It's an excellent program that really teaches the kids the value of hard work, independence and teamwork. I am an alumni of the program myself, and credit it with my love of sailing.

If you see CPO Lebar or Trainee Aidon Lebar there, tell them you know their dad from the Contessa site.

Turned out I couldn't make it this past weekend. Hoping for next weekend. I'll keep you posted.


(4 replies, posted in Sails & Rigging)

I had hank-on foresails on both my Contessa and my Alberg 29. Though using a ready bag on the Contessa was a definite improvement, I really missed a furler, and if I owned a Contessa now, it'd be one of the first things I upgraded.

Hey all,

Anyone going to the boat show this year? I'll be there at some point, as I have two sons in the winter program with Toronto Brigantine.

It'd be great to meet up, shoot the breeze about our favourite boats, and talk about warmer days.

Boy, that's a pretty amazing restoration. Interesting choices on the interior. No berths except the v-berth, as far as I can tell. Still, that interior would work really well for a coastal cruising couple. I'd hate to have to sleep in the v-berth in any kind of really heavy weather.

But man, it sure is pretty.


(5 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)

The JJ Taylor boats build after hull #300 were different. They had anchor wells at the bow, and a modified cabin sole that ostensibly provided more headroom, but we're talking 5'9" under the aft end of the hump. I'm 5'9" and I had to stoop everywhere down below. If you're looking for standing headroom, the Contessa is not the best bet. If you're looking for a seaworthy craft that will take care of you in a blow and instill confidence, the Contessa is your girl.


(6 replies, posted in For Sale)


(3 replies, posted in Cruising)

It happened to me all the time when I have my Contessa.

There was a rumor once, that every marina in Ontario had at least one Contessa. I happen to know that's untrue, but every marina I EVER had my Contessa in, I experienced someone coming to ask me about the boat.


(3 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)

My Contessa, #322, used that slot for locking. There was a metal tab attached to the washboard that could rotate up and into that slot, and then stick out the top of the rounded trim. There was a hole in that tab that allowed a padlock to be put in place, effectively locking the boat.


(2 replies, posted in Technical)

Black smoke from a diesel engine is indicative of an engine that has reached peak torque under heavy load, and is having more fuel dumped into the engine. The black smoke is unburnt or incorrectly burnt fuel. The general solution is to back off on the throttle.

That said, I can't say for sure this is what's going on with your engine.

Oh man, that's a great boat. I seriously considered buying her myself. You're going to love her - a fantastic boat.

I haven't had a boat in quite some time. I hope to remedy that at some point soon.

Hi, and welcome to the board.

Which Contessa did you pick up?

I don't have any information on the Monitor myself, but several of our board members have them, and I am sure they will be along shortly to help out.


(2 replies, posted in Non-Contessa Chatter)

Very cool. And a very pretty boat! I'd love to have more pictures of her in the gallery.


(1 replies, posted in Site Support/Comments)

PS: I'm not looking to hand the site over to someone! I'm thrilled to continue running it, just simply want someone to aid me with forum moderation tasks - mostly deleting SPAM when those parasites manage to make it past all the hurdles.


(1 replies, posted in Site Support/Comments)

Hey all,

I'm looking for someone who'd be willing to help me with moderating the forums. Basically, deleting the stupid spam posts we get. Sometimes it takes me a couple days to get back to the site (work, life, etc), and it'd be fantastic if someone else could help me with this.

It's not a difficult job, and for the most part, you'd just be doing what you normally do here - posting, reading, and sharing information about our beloved Contessa 26s.

Anyway, let me know if you're interested.


(3 replies, posted in For Sale)

I'm really sorry to hear that John sad

Sometimes it's really hard to get out sailing - it's all a matter of priorities.


(12 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)


I think you'll find the Contessa a very wonderful little ship. I certainly loved mine.


(1 replies, posted in Wanted)

I had one on #322, and loved it. Last I knew the boat had gone to Quebec City, but that was a few years ago. I hope he still has it and is enjoying it. But the teak grate was fantastic. I doubt it would be that hard to actually build one.

The ideal CO26 also includes a sliding companionway, in my opinion.


(3 replies, posted in For Sale)

#331 was a particularly fine example of the breed. Congratulations on joining the fleet!


(4 replies, posted in For Sale)

No worries. It's all good. smile