Topic: Boat on a Train: A Novel by Shannon Rae (heh heh)
Ok, well, I may as well start the story from the post this all started from, the big long "Guess What" one, yes, that one, with lots of exclamation marks, like this: !!!!!!!!!!
So, my "new" Contessa 26 was purchased in Montreal, approximately December 14th, and I have arranged to have her shipped by train.
The cost to do so was very cheap, as we all know how prohibitive the cost of trucking a boat across the country can be. So, when I was told it was only $1,500 Can, I was thrilled. The catch is, the boat must be on a trailer, which mine has.
Therefore, a trailer is a good investment if you ever think you will ship or move your boat long distances across land.
The train ride should only take about three weeks, and leaves every Friday from Montreal. However, the terrible weather we have had in this country the past months has all but stopped many train shipments, and a boat is definitely at the bottom of the list when the schedules start to get back in order.
Having said that, she was all ready to go on the train last Friday when it was discovered her papers were not back from the Toronto office of the ship's license is the next chapter:
Yes, she WAS a registered vessel, and even though it had expired in 2004, I was assured by Regsitry of Ships there is no trouble to re-instate an expired registered vessel.
However.....the boat broker thought he would "simplify things" and have her changed to a licensed vessel and "get rid of that blue book" .....I would laugh out loud if it wasn't so sad!!! Having said that......I again checked with Registry of Ships here in Vancouver, and the kind fellow there said no problem , we just go through the paperwork again...and then also change her name and port at the same time!
So, having said all of that, I am just waiting for paperwork to come from the Toronto office, back to the broker in Montreal, who has been amazing by the way, and then the boat and her papers are on their way to me!!!
There are many more exciting stories and planned adventures with the boat,....and I will share them once she is on the train and heading my way, hopefully in another week or two!
Lastly...her name will be Artemisia......named after both the Goddess Artemis and Artemisia: a powerful ruler as well as a rare woman who led ships into battle in Ancient Greece.