1 2011-01-03 06:08:24
Re: DOES ANYONE KNOW ABOUT THIS 1986 Co26 IN BC?! (2 replies, posted in For Sale)
2 2011-01-03 06:01:15
Re: I....am........back......and.... (8 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
3 2010-04-10 23:21:12
Re: Mast raising party, anyone? (10 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Hello All,
a quick update:
Today (April 10) we got the mast up! And after all my worries, it wasn't bad at all! we used the set up that the previous owner had used, with the boom, a trailer winch and misc. lines placed just right. Add to the mix 2 stout handlers to hold the side stays & keep the mast from side-to side wavering, and there you have it! We haven't launched yet, but are hoping for this Monday. Later on, probably once I'm home in Kodiak a few months away, I will put together the whole logistical set-up for the mast raising, complete with photos and diagram, and post it, so folks can see one boat's way of doing it. (I'll post it in the mast-raising thread where it should be! sorry for cramming everything in here!) I found a wonderful boatyard guy to help me out, he on his own checked all the great info that Malcom X (thanks so much for your advice & info!!) told me to check, and all is in good shape- just a bit of scraping out terminals & battery connections for minor corrosion. the stay cables were good & continuity in the mast was fine. All 4 lights up the mast (including the strobe light!) and the VHF antennae all work too. so up went the mast, we idled the engine a bit (without the water pump belt on- but put it BACK on when we turned off the engine! these little things so easy to forget....). We have alot to do once the boat is launched, including changing the oil antifreeze and transmission fluids. I am learning a lot and started a log for the engine including serial numbers and parts list, and one for the rigging. It would have been very nice if the previous owner (two owners back that is) would have done this! I still have a few weeks to take care of all these things, and it can rain all it wants, thats what a tarp is for!! I can't wait till next week- I may be out sailing by Tuesday!! Exciting!
I won't be posting much over the next month or so, as I wont have steady internet, and sometimes not at all. So have a great spring everyone, and if you don't have a boat or can't get yours launched for awhile, try to get a ride with some one and get out sailing!! its a wonderful tonic...
4 2010-03-31 22:09:20
Re: For Sale 2005 Ziem Sailboat Trailer in Bellingham, WA $3500 (2 replies, posted in For Sale)
Hello all,
An update on the trailer: It seems while the previous owner was away out of country, the person handling his mail renewed the registration! So the tags will be current and good for another year at least (prev. owner is mailing me the current tags & reg). What this means is, of course, that if someone buys it they can tow it away toot sweet, before having to re-register it. I head down to Bellingham April 1 and start hatching plans to launch the boat- hopefully the trailer will be available by the 10th of April, if anyone is interested. I am also looking at $2500 as a more realistic starting price, it is a good trailer but it would take someone a bit to weld on a winch post and also fix something onto that front metal part thats bare (that gouges the trailer). I would also consider a payment plan, kind of like renting except that by the last payment you would own the trailer and I would be done with it. I'd much rather have that than put it back into storage. As soon as I get to Bellingham and get organized I'm putting it up on Bellingham Craigslist (but without the payment plan! craigslist brings in a lot of wierdos....) If you'd rather discuss it over the phone than by email, my number is 907-539-6434 please leave a message & I'll get back to you as I will be on the phone ALOT with all the logistics to launch the boat, set up the mast etc.
If it doesn't sell it will be fine in storage till a need arises, however it will then have $800 added on the price tag, as that is about what it costs to fly Kodiak to Bellingham round trip, especially just to sell a trailer!
5 2010-03-31 21:15:23
Re: New Contessa owner (7 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Welcome Saltycruiser! Hope you get in some good sailing, keep us informed!
6 2010-03-24 02:20:41
Re: Mast raising party, anyone? (10 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Thanks for the info, greatly appreciated! I'm learning in leaps and bounds! (Did I say halyard? ) Far as I know, the boat has only one forestay, not sure the furler set up except it is a Profurl R25 -I havent had time to read up on it as I've been too busy with everything else. Once I am in Bellingham, plan is to unwrap the whole set up and see what goes where, what needs replaced etc.
I heard that if you leave the larger sail on the furler in heavy wx, it catches alot of wind and can be hard on the forestay. I also talked to an offshore singlehander who said he just wrapped the hell out of it with the jib sheets and extra lines when the weather turned foul. Do you ever put a storm jib on the furler system? I suppose the working jib IS the storm sail on a furler system?
Once the boat is launched & mast up, I can pick a nice day and pull up & take down each sail in turn, see how they all fit, & figure out the reefing set up before heading out to practice sailing. One thing I don't have is a storm mainsail, I hope to get one in Washington or BC.
So, anyone (everyone!) - what kinds of harness do YOU use to go up the mast, any particular recommendations? the one I looked at was in West Marine, SPINLOCK Deckware Mast Harness Only $179.99 USD - what do you think of that one? there is also a Top Climber Climbing Harness in which you use your legs mostly, with a line jammer, that looks pretty handy, but that one is nearly $500- There are alot of Marine stores in Washington state, so I hope to get better prices by shopping around. Any input on this would be great, I'd rather get a good harness BEFORE going up the mast, heh!
7 2010-03-21 16:35:37
Re: Mast raising party, anyone? (10 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Thanks Jose! I assume then that the top of the sail is indeed attached to a halyard? I can't wait to get it all set up! Actually I can't wait to just get on the plane, once I'm there it will be all go! Here's another one for you: There are two jibsails: a 150% genoa & a 110% working jib- which do you recomend that I put on the furler? or does the 150% go on there, and the working jib is just for extra/ or on a seperate halyard? Thanks! Dusty
8 2010-03-21 15:22:31
Re: co26 - #331 for sale (9 replies, posted in For Sale)
Hi John,
I'm sorry you had to sell Cavendysh! Its a good and a bad thing when our boat finally sells.... But one day you may get another and go sailing across the oceans! meantime, if you come to Alaska to go a fire-fighting (and we get our share up north around Fairbanks) I'll take you sailing on my boat! You can fish for halibut, watch the sea lions chase the kayakers, and wave to the cod jiggers bobbing around.
Take care, and do try to go sailing, even with someone else or rent a sailing dinghy- sailing helps restore us, and remind us of what we love, not of what we lost. Keep heart, for the Greatest Adventure still lies ahead!
9 2010-03-21 14:59:51
Re: Mast raising party, anyone? (10 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Thanks for all the helpful info Ian Malcom! I printed out the page & will go over as much as I can before getting the mast stepped. I've checked some of the things already, and had some friends point out more things to check. Always more!
I do want to not only be familiar with my rig, but know how to fix it myself as much as possible. My lists just keep getting longer, as time gets shorter.... at least, unlike family or spouses, boats don't talk back. They just demand more money and time....
I have never used a roller furling system - can you tell me, do you attach the sail BEFORE stepping the mast/roller furler setup, or should this be done once the mast and furling system is all set up and standing? also, is the top of the sail to be furled attached to the furling unit, or to a halyard? I apologize if this is listed in another thread, I'm still looking. Thanks very much in advance, and for all your help! Dusty
10 2010-03-21 14:31:18
Re: For Sale 2005 Ziem Sailboat Trailer in Bellingham, WA $3500 (2 replies, posted in For Sale)
Hello again all!
I just wanted to say, the price I have listed here is my ASKING price. I believe the trailer is worth that, however as I previously stated, there is no bumper for that metal notch the bow sits in, also there is no post with winch on it in the front. I would be willing to consider reasonable offers if someone is really interested- anything between $2000 and the $3500 asking price. otherwise it will have to go back in storage. When I get to Bellingham its going up on Craigslist, I just wanted to give you all a chance at it first. sorry if my posts are patchy, I have so much trying to do before I head down & KNOW when I get there its going to be much more busy! Add to that frequently SLOW internet connections (you gotta love Kodiak!) and its a wonder I haven't stuck my head in the sand like an ostrich. of course most the sand has been frozen lately.....
Anyways, for a Contessa Owner or wanna-be, I am willing to lower the price some, see above guidelines. Sorry I just can't go lower than that! If you need a trailer but can't pick it up until a later date, we may be able to enter into an agreement as well- fax it back & forth etc.
I saw a Zieman (same as Ziem? not sure...) full keel sailboat tandem axle trailer for sale on Craigslist in the San Francisco area, in fall of 2009. it was a 1995 and had no spare tires, but it had the tongue extension same as mine, and this one had a post on the front with a winch & also had not been in salt water. the owner was asking $3000 obo. not sure if it ever sold, the # was (707) 263-7397 or (707) 245-7835 ask for Keith
I will try & get some more photos up of mine as well, same place as the others. you can ask questions on this thread too, but after tomorrow I may only be able to check it once/day. Carpe Diem!! ;D
Got all the photos I have of the trailer uploaded, in General Images.
11 2010-03-16 15:16:14
Re: Mast raising party, anyone? (10 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Thanks guys! I am excited- if a bit worn down from all the planning and logistics. I love having the internet though! I found some guys in Bellingham that will help me with the mast & electronics- instead of trying to raise the thing, they have access to a crane that sounds affordable and once the boat is launched, can lower the mast down & help set it up. They work with sailboat rigging and roller furling systems & best of all, only cost $45/hour! add to that they are very helpful- I always take it as a good sign when they are willing to use thier little pickup w/a V6 engine to help me if they can, even tow my boat from the shop to the launch site! for a fee, I'm sure- but much smaller fee than a Marina would charge.
Thankfully most of the things on this boat are pretty turnkey- until I turn the key Heh! We used to have a list of sounds you DONT want to hear when starting a boat, and the first one was- nothing. Silence is not a good sign....
I will be keeping a ship's log of all events and also I have a notebook of all the contacts/workers/storage/marinas etc that I end up using, for future reference to anyone in that area.
Sometime in the future (may be a year or two!) I hope to fly over to the east coast again to visit some old friends, perhaps I will get to meet you Canada/East Coast folks then! When I do go, I will be renting a car and driving all over that country, as well as up to Canada. I have a friendly GPS for the car, although I hope the one on the boat doesn't talk to me like she does- "go right!" "go left!" when you go straight instead.... "recalculating..."
12 2010-03-15 15:40:27
Topic: Mast raising party, anyone? (10 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Hello All,
well I did it, I got another boat. After I sold Blue Skies, I decided to just go along for awhile, and wait for the next one- I never thought I would even LOOK at a boat in the $20 K range! but then I came into some money, happens once every million or so years I guess, and I thought You only live once, why not reach for the stars? Turns out, grabbing a star, especially a Shooting Star, by the tail is alot like sailing with too much sail in a very strong wind! REEF DOWN!! ...so here I am, once again a boat owner, (I uploaded a photo of the boat, on the trailer I listed for sale, under General Images, # 93 I think) and already money is flowing out, my credit card is going to be close to maxed before its over, and the TO DO list seems endless! I already miss the simplicity that was Blue Skies- diesel engine, roller furler jib, thats a bout it! If you look under the Contessa Marketplace, this is boat #345 that was for sale back in fall of 2007. I bought it from the guy that bought it from THAT guy- Tony Locsei. I got most of the stuff, except the dingy & outboard. The guy I bought it from never got to sail it, so basically it has been drydocked for 2 1/2 years. But Aaron (the owner's agent that sold it for him) had the engine running (closed system- I have to hook the water pump back up before starting it in the water) for me, since I never got to hear BlueSkies' engine, it was like heaven listening to this one purr!!
I am launching it in early April, if all goes well- the funnest part of that will probably be stepping the mast. I've read thru all the posts I could find on the subject, and there is a diagram with the boat, but it still looks like a job for a ringmaster with 5 or 6 trained gorillas! especially making sure all the internal electrical wiring is good BEFORE the mast goes up! I've never done this, but what the heck, I've never driven in rush hour traffic (the kind where you're in a herd of wildabeests moving fast) in San Diego either before this year, it wasn't such a much! just need reflexes like a hungry cheetah & 6 sets of eyes front & back, all moving at once- nothing to it really! (of course, the experience is much enhanced on gen-uine San Diegan COFFEE- is that what surfers drink?)
I have to replace the halyards & sheets, but the wire rigging is in great condition. The boat needs some cosmetic stuff- clean up, sand the teak, put some non-skid in that area of the cabin just before the forepeak bunk, which is angled and slippery as heck! Once the mast is up, then comes the next biggest job- figuring out how all the systems and electronics work!
Bellingham seems like a good place to launch a boat, anyways- two yacht clubs and lots of sailboats, should be able to find the lines, hardware & help I need. Anyone in that area? Shannon of course!! I'd love to meet some of you Contessa folks! I will be down there most of April, in a motel until the boat is launched, (hopefully early april) then a few weeks getting everything up & running and getting to know the boat.
Take care everyone, hope you all are having a good spring! I hear flowers are even growing in Bellingham- here in Kodiak we have snow, sleet, wind and most days, more wind. sun was out for 1/2 hour today!
13 2010-03-14 20:26:08
Topic: For Sale 2005 Ziem Sailboat Trailer in Bellingham, WA $3500 (2 replies, posted in For Sale)
For Sale 2005 Ziem Sailboat Trailer in Bellingham, WA $3500
Hello all,
well I bought the 1986 JJ Taylor Contessa 26 for sale in Florida. I actually saw it on ebay, and contacted the owner’s agent when it didn’t sell. I bought it and had it towed to Bellingham thru Uship. I did my research and found a wonderful couple very professional and friendly to do the move, SnL Transport. They had low bid for $2700 Hernando beach Florida to Bellingham, WA. The boat and trailer are both currently in a storage facility in Bellingham, Washington.
I hope to launch the boat by April 10th, and sell the trailer by April 15th. Therefore, I am putting it up ahead of time. If anyone is interested, but doesn’t want to buy it sight unseen, I will be in Bellingham April 2 to the 15th and can show it then.
The Details:
Never been in salt water before, only used on lakes. Its only salt water time will be when I launch my boat.
Tires new in Oct 2007 have about 5500 miles on them: Ohio to Tx to Fl to Wa
There are 6 Tires total, 4 on trailer & 2 spares- the 4 on trailer for sure have bearing buddies for greasing the bearings, not sure about the 2 spares. (I can check when I go down to Bellingham)
Had the tail lights replaced in Florida, and all lights worked fine all the way Florida to Washington
4 wheel disc surge brakes
24 ft tongue/rod extension with wheels
Currently has a Texas license plate, the tags are expired.
This trailer does not have a VIN #, it was not required in Ohio or Texas (two previous registrations). However it is required in Alaska and Washington to get a new registration, and possibly other states. So, after launching the boat, I am getting the trailer weighed with a weight certification slip,(required to get a VIN) then I have an inspection lined up April 15 to get a VIN # assigned to the trailer. It seems there is only one trooper who can do this in Bellingham, Thursdays only, so I had to make an appointment a month ahead!
I will leave it up to the buyer to get a new license plate and registration, but this will make it a lot easier if that person is from a state that requires a VIN #.
There is no rubber or padding on the lower metal slot that the bow sits in (not the red one) -I used small rubber and heavy woven floor mats for this trip, however once the boat is off something more efficient and permanent could be affixed. Otherwise it gouges the bow pretty bad (as my poor boat will attest!)
The small metal pole on the STARBARD side is the boom to the sailboat & does not go with the trailer. The metal pole on the PORT side is the trailer tongue extension, which also has a set of smaller wheels on a frame, to support the tongue extension.
There is a bit of rust here & there on the trailer, mostly undersides. All in all, the trailer seems to be in good condition, and has just made a 3000 mile trip in which the movers said everything worked fine.
Please email me at dustylane2@hotmail.com for more photos if you are interested, and if you have any questions I will do my best to answer them. Right now I have no photos of the trailer without the boat on it, but I do have some more detailed & close up shots.
I will accept Cash, Money Orders, or Paypal for payment or down payment of the trailer. I will provide the previous two owner’s registrations, a copy of the weight slip, the paper that declares the new VIN #(once I get it), and of course a Bill of Sale. If someone prebuys it sight unseen, I can leave a blank space in the bill of sale for the VIN, and fill it in once I get it. (I can fax you & then mail the documents & bill of sale). OR you can get the trailer (if prebought) as soon as the boat is launched and take it to the VIN inspection yourself. I wish to leave Bellingham by April 20th or thereabouts & have the trailer sold before then (by the 15th if possible).
I posted photos at General Images, labelled 2005 Ziem Sailboat trailer by KodiakGirl #1, #2, #3 (photos # 94, 95 & 96). Thanks for looking Dusty
14 2009-11-01 21:11:45
Re: Cruising World magazines with Tania Aebi up for grabs (1 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
They're gone! Got an email and they're on the way out! thanks everyone!
15 2009-11-01 20:20:40
Topic: Cruising World magazines with Tania Aebi up for grabs (1 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Hello all,
Remember those articles I posted awhile back from 1987 & 1988 Cruising World magazines with Tania Aebi? Well I copied all the articles I want and those mags are available to the first interested person to email me at dustylane2@hotmail.com with a mailing address- FREE to a good home & I'll pay the postage! There are 10 magazines in all, and Tania is in all but 3 I think, either in articles or advertisements or some such. The magazines have alot of other cool articles too. I apologize in advance to the latecomers but first come first served & all of the magazines go together. I am cleaning house & they must go (the selected copied page is much lighter than 10 magazines!). Any questions email me or I'll be checking here often & you can post here. Thanks Dusty
the CW issues are: Jan, Feb, Oct & Nov 1987 Jan, Feb, Mar, May, July & Dec 1988
16 2009-11-01 20:06:50
Re: Anybody home? (19 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Hello all,
I too am checking the forums often! Currently boatless but still interested in what everyone is doing!
17 2009-08-16 16:04:38
Re: Contessa 26 For Sale in Sidney BC (8 replies, posted in For Sale)
Hi Cole,
Did you sell Polaris yet, or is she still up for sale? or still undecided? Let me know! Thanks
18 2009-03-24 15:45:50
Re: Blue Skies in NH for sale $5500 (4 replies, posted in For Sale)
BLUE SKIES HAS SOLD March 24, 2009 -to a caring new owner in New Hampshire! So I am currently boat-less. Still tune in to read the forums though- I love to read about boats & contessa 26's in particular! take care all, Dusty
19 2009-03-24 15:44:42
Re: Blue Skies in NH for sale $5500 (4 replies, posted in For Sale)
BLUE SKIES HAS SOLD March 24, 2009 -to a caring new owner in New Hampshire! So I am currently boat-less. Still tune in to read the forums though- I love to read about boats & contessa 26's in particular! take care all, Dusty
20 2008-11-22 12:01:13
Re: Blue Skies in NH for sale $5500 (4 replies, posted in For Sale)
Hello Everyone,
well the boat was successfully moved to Newfields, NH!! It cost me $600 and so the boat is for sale for $6000. Anyone interested can call Arnold at 603-772-3906 Arnold will be selling the boat for me, it is on his property. He said I could give out his phone # as well. He is doing an inventory too, so far he said the sails are in there and a few other things, you can call him to ask about it, or if you want to go take a look at it.
If anyone is just curious and wants to see photos I will be happy to email them to you, just write dustylane2@hotmail.com and let me know even if you don't want to buy the boat I can email the photos. Its easier to attach them to an email than uploading them to the site.
Well thats it for now, thanks everyone for being there Dusty
21 2008-10-26 14:21:02
Re: Blue Skies in NH for sale $5500 (4 replies, posted in For Sale)
Hello all,
an update on Blue Skies: I am currently in the process of moving her yet again to a new location, hopefully next week sometime. She will be in Newfields, NH (not far from Candia) and the gentleman (name of Arnold) whose property she will be on will act as agent for me to sell her. Therefore I can write up a bill of sale & sign it, send it to him with all the boat details and he can show the boat for me. I can answer questions direct by email as well. I may only give out the actual address in an email to serious interested parties, who can then contact Arnold and arrange to see the boat (I will ask him about this when the boat gets moved). I will have to up the price to cover the cost of moving her as well as a commision for Arnold, I am thinking $6000 for the boat should cover it all. (I am getting a closer mover than Marblehead so hopefully it will cost less than $600 for the move.) Anyways anyone interested or curious feel free to ask questions on this post, and I will do my best to answer them! Thanks everyone, hope your winter is going well (I hear its warmer up in the Arctic right now than in Kodiak....
22 2008-10-19 15:22:42
Topic: Blue Skies in NH for sale $5500 (4 replies, posted in For Sale)
Hi all,
sorry long time no post, I am putting my JJ Taylor Contess Blue Skies up for sale. I will follow soon with all the specs, hopefully on the Contessa 26 marketplace page, but for now, basic details:
1975 JJ Taylor Contessa 26
She's a basic boat, hull and structure seem sound, minor tarp blisters on the hull, Furlex roller furling, jiffy main reefing, Universal M2-12 deisel engine, and for sails: main, genoa & stay -not sure what size. The engine hasn't been started up in several years now - it seems the previous owner said it was 3 years plus the 2 I've owned it, so maybe 5 years or so since engine turned over & winterized. It is on her stands in a fellows back property just outside Candia, NH and I will have to get his permission for folks to look at her before I give out the exact address (probably in an email to interested parties). I paid $7000 for her in 2006 and paid more $$ in rent and having her moved over the past two years. I am asking $5500 plus whoever buys her will have to arrange to have her moved. I go thru Richards Marine Services in Marblehead, MA (781-639-1622 -may be an old # I'll look for a more updated one) and he charged me $600 to move it from East Kingston to Candia (both NH). The reason its that high is he had to cover fuel prices to & from Marblehead. if interested you can email me at dustylane2@hotmail.com or ask here on the posts, I will try to get back to you asap. This is hard for me, but I'm sure its never easy to sell one's boat love Just the wrong time in my life to own a boat I guess....
I will post the rest of the specs soon, and photos too- is there a good place I can post for sale photos Adrian? or should I jsut post them on the Gallery? theres about 40 different pictures. Thanks everyone! Dusty
23 2008-06-08 23:40:29
Topic: Sheet to Tiller Steering System (4 replies, posted in Sails & Rigging)
24 2008-05-24 12:50:57
Topic: A Simple Small Boat Shower (0 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Check out the Word document in Galleries, under general images, by the title above. Kind of tight on a Contessa 26, but would work if your under 4'8" or else in the cockpit
Also see the Word document "One hand for the Boat" for a little humor relief
25 2008-02-23 00:33:03
Re: Tania Aebi in Cruising World (11 replies, posted in General Questions/Comments)
Thanks Jimco, I too was glad to read about Tania finally getting to sail her dream! Still an awesome writer, I couldn't sign off until I read the whole site! Helps the rest of us to keep dreaming....